Friday, September 5, 2008

2 sides to a coin

I woke up with the mist forming on the window glass this morning. Another cold dreary morning… It’s been raining non-stop for the last 2 days. Hope the rain will stop by tomorrow.

Just started watching Season 1 of Heroes. Hiro’s my fav character. He’s not afraid to chase his “super-hiro” dreams, puts everything into 2 categories of right/wrong and truly believes in the people around him. Like the scene his side-kick Ando told him that every superhero has secrets and convinced him that his secret to survive is to use his powers to cheat and earn some casino chips. He plainly believed. He’s somewhat like a child.. with childlike bravery, faith and enthusiasm. Oblivious to the schemes of the world and full of hope.

That’s what I like about him.

Well, sometimes, people choose what they want to see and ignore the things that aren’t convenient for them. Just like 2 sides to a coin – one side shiny and the other side stained with dirt. Without flipping over the coin on a table, one can say that this coin is dirty and filthy. But if one choose to flip the coin over, one can see the other side of it. shiny and clean.

Many of us just see one side of the coin. And we don’t bother to find out the truth. Then you’re wrong. You’ll just walk away thinking the coin is stained of dirt, or the coin is sparkling clean. Either way is contrary from the truth.

My point is, sometimes a little out of your convenience to see both sides of the coin, will tell you a whole lot about what’s going on.

So, my friends you can choose today if you want to believe what’s real, or choose to believe people out of convenience.

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