Friday, May 15, 2009

the end of part I

Just completed my first 5 weeks of attachment..and now it's time to prepare my exams and take home papers for next week!

a)musculoskeletal paper (70% )
b)neuro take home exam (50% )
c)cardiopulmonary assignment (50% )...all due on Wed, the 20th of May! :(

I'm unsure of how the paper is going to be like.. so it's quite unsettling.

Right after this would be my next 5 weeks of attachment at a new place. another part of a long long journey.

7 more weekends to freedom.... counting down and looking forward to my dear friends who will be coming to visit!~ :)

"Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will make thy paths straight." Pro 3:5-6

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